Political Rants

337 14n b0x

A certain Wellstone Whore who will remain nameless (think...) approached me during 3 block earlier today. He slowly removed a stack of 3 or 4 anime DVDs from his backpack and in a desperate attempt to be rebellious said, "Hey Nick! I'm going to hijack the tech presentation room during lunch and watch some anime! Care to join me?" I chuckled, then mockingly declined, and thought to myself, "The presentation room will be in use and he will return to class with his tail between his legs..." Of course my prediction was correct. One would think that after being shot down so many times, Mr. Activist would change his ways. Oh no. He continues to astound me. With such classic comments like "Will you help me build a 1337 14n b0x?" and "Pete Markham is a cubicle jack-off guy," the end of the stupidity remains an extremely distant point in perhaps only an alternate universe. Will he ever realize that no one takes him seriously? Will he ever realize that his so-called "activist efforts" will never ammount to anything? Is death the only escape?

Also, "meh" is a completely heinous word and all that use it should be shot.

Information for your face.

Many of you know that Donat and the rest are all dirty republicans. So you might think "Oh no! a new guy! I bet he's a dirty republican as well!" Fear not my friends, for I am here to even the odds. Oh, also next year I can vote...so there is one insignificant percent less of a chance that we'll get another "Bush" type person in office.

Anti-Terrorism... Gone too far?

The government is taking steps to have the ability to monitor suspected terrorists. Through wire taps and other meens they are listening, and how do you know their not listening to your converstations you have. My greatest fear is this whole thing is going to become one giant witch hunt like in the 1950's over communists. Well this is just a little rant I thought up since no ones written anything in quite a while.

Who wants Palladium, censorship, and no privacy in computing? Not Me!!!

Microsoft and Intel are working on a new computer base where as every program has to report to a server to make sure its legit, they get to monitor the files on your hard drive to make sure their not pirated, an Audio CD cant be played without connecting to the internet, and make it so a file made by say Microsoft Office could NEVER be opened by another program. It does this by using a "fritz" chip on your motherboard which makes sure you obey. Unlike software that can be worked around this chip is built into the mother board. ITS EVIL, DON'T BUY IT, PUT MICROSOFT OUT OF BUISNESS IF THEIR GOING TO KEEP THIS SHIT UP. for more information click here.


It purely matters whether or not they start to get uppity and wheter or not we in the CJA get bored.

Eat it

For all the evil the catholics have commited in the last 500 years, and for the Jewish creating Sam Rosen I will have take sides with the protestants


I would like to let all of you protestants to be weary. Rachel Lavenda and I have created the Catho-Jeudism Alliance in which we are going to take down to protestants together. For most of you this means death, I am sorry you need to reform your souls some time, so I guess this is the appropriate time. All you atheists can live for now, until we run out of protestants to take down then we will come after the agnostics and atheistists out of sheer boredom. I am sorry I have to be the one to inform all you protestants, but you knew this day would come soon enough. But on a plus note if you suck up to Rachel and myself we could ask the Pope and the Jewish General "Someone" to spare your life until the 3rd or 4th wave. TA!

Am I wrong?

This is really just some random tangent, but here's what I think. If someone wants to commit suicide let them, they have their reasons and the world is overcrowded enough as it is, so if people are going to kill them selves more power to them. If everyone who wanted to commit suicide would, think of all the mouths that could be fed of people who don't want to die but will due to starvation. Think of all the money that could be saved, just think about it. Suicide should be encouraged to help prolong man kind's meaningless existence, instead of shunned and looked down upon. Suicide in my eyes is about one of the most respectable things a person can do. Secondly what give you the right to tell somone they must live in a place they hate so very very much. Some say its "the easy way out" and they meen that in a disrespctfull way, but water takes the easiest root as does electricity and these are both very noble things. Well this is my random thought for today, please don't take offence.

Everything Fucks Up At Once

Does anyone else notice that when one thing in life goes wrong, it isn't just that one thing but yet a whole stream of things come after. Today after a few unfortunate events I just felt awful and then a friend who I needed to talk to on phone was using hte internet and that damn dial tone kept coming up. And I wanted just to beat the shit out of my telephone. Next up my computer kept crashing and once again I wanted to beat the crap out of it. And then my email wouldn't work and blogger wouldn't work. And I am getting damn sick of everything going wrong on the exact same day at almost the exact same time, why the fuck can't God spread all this shit out?