PhonX's Posts


After viewing another informative episode of the O'Reily Factor on FOX news I came to the conclusion that I despise the program PETA. Than after reading Franson's inspired article on Oprah being the Queen of Feebs my hatred of PETA grew to a point where I couldn't retain it. The problem PETA with that I found is that it is tax exempt; this is because it is a non profit, government sponsored organization. And the problem with tax exemption is we the tax payers and future tax payers of America are having to pay extra to cover the amount that the tax exempt organization are not paying, which ultimately means that we the tax payers and future tax payers are giving money to these organizations. This would not bother me if my money was going to an organization that contributed to the betterment of America, as PETA openly does not do. PETA funds terrorist attacks on American companies that don't sponsor PETA's radical views of screwing humans and saving cows. As well as PETA isn't exactly a partial organization in the meaning that they definitly have an agenda and a radical view point, which means that all Americans are funding radical view points as well as terrorism, and that just doesn't settle in my stomach. PETA's tax exemption is a horrible problem that spawns from the Clinton administration, but then I ask myself the question, When the hell is Bush going to do something about it? So I personally wrote a letter to PETA and a letter to my state senator explaining my extreme disocontent and I would urge any American citizen who doesn't want their tax money supporting a radical terrorist organization, that is actually hindering the progress of America and not benefitting America in the least, to do the same as myself and petition to your state senators and write possibly a very threatening message to PETA telling to stop funding terrorism and stop putting their tax debt on the rest of the American, honest, tax payers. God Bless America -- God Crush PETA!

Dear Franson . . . You Twisted my Nipples too Damn Far.

I want to start my editorial off by declaring that I have no problems with Franson now that I have met him, and realize that he is a good person. But with that comment I would like to continue to say that if you ever use the phrase Jumped the Shark I will jump you with a Hitler Youth Knife. And to a further extent I will turn you into a whoriation and a pogue at the same time. But on that note I also give you Kudos because unlike the disgruntled idiot that falls under the psydo name Krispy (which he isnt) doesnt know how to use the phrase to the least extent. To avoid other confrontations of stupidity the other phrases that you are no one else can say are as listed below. Pogue, Hitler Youth Knife, psydo Ass, quazi Bitch, Stussi deine kopf nicht on dar lampe, Stussi deine impr?gnieren on dar lampe, whoriation, whoriator, or any other sort of line that I use on occasion. Yes, yes I will admit it AP has sent me over the cliff and I have snapped, and to an extent a raving psycho fool. And you quoting this line that I stole from Duffy, who stole from some other place that got it from Happy Days, makes me go even more crazy. So you have twisted my nipples to far as you pushed me from being crazy to stark raving mad. On one hand I applaud you efforts, but on the other hand I plan on killing you slowing while you sleep and watch you suffer under the sleak wisdom of my once Nazi weilded knife. El Fin (of the editorial and possibly of you).


Follow Up To: Legalized Marijuana: WHY?
Posted: [6/29/2001 5:58:38 AM | Chris Franson]

I would like to start my follow up to Franson?s article by declaring that I am a supporter of the Republican Party. I am not a conservative republican; instead I am a fairly liberal republican. But yes, I am a republican.

As Franson stated: ?Little jimmy is interested in getting high, and he doesn't want to kill himself using inhalants, or pay a whole bucketful of greenbacks to get hooked on cocaine or heroin.? This is the scenario that Franson created for his argument; I will use the same. In the current situation Little Jimmy would walk down to a park, a street corner, a back alley, or any other place that has some dealers near by. Little Jimmy gets some marijuana laced with LCD and Little Jimmy ends the next day dead with an overdose. That probably won?t occur but it could . . . and probably does. If marijuana was legalized this situation would never occur.

Little Jimmy goes to the local drug store to get his marijuana, and he gives the pharmacist his forged prescription, and walks out with his marijuana -- this would hardly ever happen because the chances that little Jimmy can actually forge a prescription and get away with it are so small. I am sure when congress instates the bill that they will take some precautions, so that it would be very difficult to forge a prescription for marijuana. For the sake of discussion though, what if Little Jimmy gets away with it. He is going to have safer marijuana ? some that isn?t laced with LCD. Jimmy doesn?t end up dead with an overdose the next day, but instead just gets a little high.

?Why may I ask would we want to make drugs even more accessible to young people in this already drug-infested society?? (Franson) More accessible! What is easier going to a street corner or park or wherever to get drugs, or getting the paper that doctors write their prescriptions on, then forging their signature, then walking over to a local pharmacy, then waiting for fifteen to thirty minutes because the pharmacist takes so bloody long. Which is easier?

There is no reason to keep allowing the drug lords to control this profit making, life-destroying drug. Instead I would rather have the Government control the trafficking of this drug. This is a simple choice, who would be better to have control the drugs and the outcome of little Jimmy?s drug experience, the mobs, gangs, and drug lords or the government . . .?