PhonX's Posts

Franson = Pussy

Franson your recent statement declaring Andrew Jackson an equivant to Hitler was quite obsene and pussyish. What Jackson did was absolutely vital and if you are going to tell there was a better way to deal with the Indians I would like to hear it. But you probably preach love and peace but in this instance it would not have worked to the least, because the Americans would not have excepted sharing the land the stole from the Indians. I won't say that killing the Indians on the Trail of Tears was to humanitarian, but it was the only possilbe way of dealing with the situation that would allow the Indians to keep some culture and keep some land.

Jesse - I Know it is Late, but that Doesn't Leave you Exempt from LOGIC

First off, I stated that Lincoln was intelligent in the way of war terms as the Emanipaction Proclamation satisfied the Union slave holding states, showed to France and the United Kingdom that the Union was still fully united, and to a very small extent weakened Southern economy during the war, but drastically helped in destroying the Southern economy in the Reconstruction years; therefore I said nothing that he was a good person, but a smart war strategist.

Second, in comparing Lincoln to Hitler that analogy was very off. Hitler was elected to bring the people out of a depression and he used the fear and anger against Jews and other people to help bring that economic change about. Lincoln on the otherhand didn't even face a depression so he couldn't have used the fear and anger of the Indians to have them and their buffalo killed. The analogy I think would be closer (eventhough incredibly incorrect still) to Stalin and the Stalinist purges that took place before the actual Holocaust itslef.

Lastly, No where can I find any source saying that Lincoln did put any bounty on the Indian's heads. Now if this was apart of the Homestead Act, which wasn't issued on the day of the Emancipation Proclamation, give me some proof. And if it was apart of the Emancipation Proclamation give me some proof by quoting the proclamation, and if it is in a different proclamation than the Emanicpation Proclamtion, but still issued that same day as you stated, give me proof of that proclamation and quote it for me. I want you to do this because I have no knowledge of what you said about the bounty, and I would enjoy for you to enlighten me - Por Favor!

to be OR not to be . . .

Once again the scene from Hamlet is used to show an idea of debate, but in this instance it applies to the current issues of the Middle East? I have my own opinions on this issue, but I would like to hear Jesse's, Franson's, and Jeff's(as hacked into some one else's account. What I want you guys to talk about is should America be in support of Isreal or should we be supporting the Palestinians? Guys respond to this question.

American History X

Eventhough this isn't the movie review section, I still want to comment on the movie American History X because i found it wonderful.

The movie centers around the brother of a skin head who goes to jail after killing two black men, and then in jail he meets a black guy that he relates too. When he gets out of jail he tries to stop his brother and the rest of his town from keeping up their rascist practices. To begin with, this movie truthfully brought tears to my eyes. I am not going to say that I am Mr. Tough guy that won't cry, but it is still a rare occasion that I will cry in a movie and this movie made me do it. Also what I loved about the movie is that it showed racism from a completely different view and the viewer actually would start feeling sorry for the skinheads in that the black gangs and such were making their lives misserable. But than to counter what I said the movie is not a pro-white movie in the least it is a movie that is anti-racist.

The movie inspired me to write what am about to do right now and that is my topic on racism and sexism. My personal opinion on black people and white people and yellow people and red people is that they are completely neutral. All black/white/yellow/red are not good and they are not bad they are merely just a skin color. When I was watching TV I saw some peace ad talking about how black people are good people. This is a completetly bogus and racist comment. Because black isn't a way of classifing people but instead it is just a skin color. On sexism, I just came to the realization that when a teacher forcing people to sitting in the rows by girl boy and so on, or do anything according to girl boy and so on, that teacher is being sexist. By saying that women and men are different the teacher is saying that men and women are different more over than just the physical attributes. Basically what I am saying is that rascism and sexism are enbedded so far into our society that even those who are trying to do some good in combating the issue are still rascist and are still using rascist actions. And that is something pretty crappy to think about.

Nixon, Teddy . . . The Best Presidents?

I Have been away and silent for a fair amount of time, but it is impossible to not shut up when Jesse directly attacks the integrity of history and honor. How dare you Jesse, say the Nixon, the pussy, is our best president, haven't you ever heard of Vietnamization, Nixon's horrible plan to leave Vietnam with dignity. It was very possilbe to win the Vietnam war, but instead Nixon merely pulled us out of it. The Vietnamese attack on their Tet Holiday proved that the Vietnam war was almost over, as the American troops successfully defended themselves against the largest Vietnamese attack. Instead of winning the war in Vietnam, which was very possible, Nixon says hey what the hell lets remove our troops from Vietnam in a slow and long lasting process. And then you went on to say that Teddy Roosevelt was one of the greatest presidents, I thought you were a conservative. Teddy is probably the sole president to ruin America as he used the Sherman anti-trust plans to break up corporations, futhering the government's medling in the economy, as well as he turned America from a nice unimperial government into the police of the new world as he involved the country in the "Boxer Rebellion," "The Russo-Jap War," Panama Canal, Venuzualla, and then he created the Roosevelt Collary. And lastly Abraham Lincoln does score some points with me because the Emanicaption Proclamation. The proclamation was an ingenous war measure as he showed Europe that he had control over the South, and also avoiding pissing of the Union slave owning states. My picks for greatest presidents are probably, Polk of course, Old Hickory, and then Silent Cal.

Magico I dislike You

Magico you come onto the Atimes as someone with many opinions and willing to express them, but the problem is that you don't like giving and substantial proof or to that matter barely any subsequent proof. If you want to rant and rave on this paper I will support it and I will listen to the bull shit you are saying, but providing no facts and just shooting off you mouth demeans the entire paper and it turns it into a paper that seems like a bunch a prepubescent children are shouting out their completely spur of the moment ideas. You said that gun control is completely against the constitution, but two things to say to this. One is that the constitution is a living article and that (eventhough I don't agree with this) can change and be manipulated to fit current situations. And two you said guns were to protect people from wild beasts, but I hope by wild beast you meant government -- as guns were neccessary to allow American citizens to form into militias to fight off the British government or rebel against any infair laws. In other words -- I don't disagree with your opinion about the constitution, but you need some facts that aren't pulled out from you ass and that have some substantial detail.

My second problem with your articles aren't as much with what you say but moreso you as a person. You first off call someone retarded and then steal her ball. Sorry but I don't support anyone stealing a ball from someone who is handicapped and furthermore to go and laugh at it is completely disturbing. And the other reason I dislike you is because you aren't very intelligent. In fact you are a feeb. You think that throwing random words over two syllables into your editorial makes you sound more intelligent, but since you don't fully understand the words you use it just sounds like you are an idiot. Also by using larger words and ones that aren't commonly used you are expressing a fair amount of arrogance because you are mocking people who don't have quite as large of a vocabulary as you. And lastly as I expressed before you have no concept of history or the concept of what a piece of evidence is.

My advice to you Magico is to get some knowledge to back your opinions and to contemplate your thought before you write them down on this web site and humiliate its intention of educating the masses. You are a feeb, and you write on this web site . . . and that just doesn't settle in my stomach.

My Apologies

Ladies And Gentlemen I would like to apologize for not mentioning this earlier but commas are below me and and don't enjoy using them in all situations only when I damn well please. This means that if something doesn't make any sense add a mental comma and it just might (or what happens 95% of the time I just write something completely incoherent that sound nifty to me well I am hyped up on some opium but other wise it suck0rz. And on the plus side I am starting to use paragraphs so maybe i will become completely coherent . . . the day of supreme evil.

Follow Up To: Cops, Idiots they are
Posted: [3/11/2002 7:17:50 PM | Jesse Donat]

Jesse I come to the conclusion by reading your previous article that you are a very naive little boy. This naivity I wish to all God's creatures that I was apart of, but instead I must realize that this is not the case. The reason that he was shot many times was, as history has told us, to keep the minorities and other groups as far away from the federal government as possible through fear. Fear is a word that has been used many times to talk about communist Russia and Stalin, but the truth is that America is using this fear just as well much as Russia but much more subtle. To stop my editorial I would like to say I am not arguing with you per say, but really I am explaining government reasoning and not my own here. Now the member of the Somalian community and the black community have already learned, that if you don't stay in your place and you start getting upidy than you will be forced back into the slums you came from. And this is peaceful and indivual America here not Russia. This treatment is merely used to allow WASPs to retain supreme control over the federal government.

The African American population has expierenced this quite well throughout there history. And especially through the twentyth century African Americans and all people of dark skin for that matter have been forced back down to a place of no power in the government. When the civil rights movements came around obviously preaching to us the injustices of America, what happened. They were not greated with flowers and other nice ammenities but instead guns, dogs, and water houses.

Native Americans have felt the oppression of WASPs and their attempt to assert complete control in America moreso than African Americans. Native Americans were not just oppressed but instead foribly removed from their land and settled into what was known as the Great American Desert. And worse Andrew Jackson when originally moving the Indians off their land never thought that America would urbanize all around them, which obviosly happened. So to an effect they were stripped of their original land and then stripped of some of government promised land. The reason to this is that if Indians had equal power in the country the WASPs wouldn't be able to assert supreme control and they would have another dominate group to contend with.

This same treatment is occuring to catholics, women, (not Jews because as Samuel Eisenberg pointed out to me that Jews run the country . . . somehow?) and all other minorities. This horrid treatment that you were touching on in your editorial is nothing new and it is just how the government controls its people and allows for a WASP nation to rule over us all. America -- Where All Men Are Creating Equal?

***WASP means White Anglo-Saxon Protestant and it conotates for a man as well in that***

5000 . . . Ain't It Beautiful

I would like to congratulate Jeff and Jesse for achieving 5000 hits, because I know it wasn't easy for them to create this much bull shit, but they did it and we are all worse of for it. Instead of continuing my celebratory phrases I would instead like to describe the newest member of the Oasisband team the 5000 hit thingy guy. To all you intellectually superior beings out there like myself you don't have to read this but to you feebs here is a history lesson. The reason Teddy, the one of the left, is weilding a bat or a stick you might call it is because of the big stick diplomacy that dominated Teddy's presidency and was the precusor into the American involvement of WWI as he changed the American pattern of isolationism into imperialism. FDR is carrying propoganda papers because his presidency can be remebered by the propoganda of the time saying that FDR was a good president also the WWII propoganda that was ever present throughout WWII. Regan is carrying a light saber for obvious reasons, in that he was the president who started operation Star Wars to protect America from missiles and other such airborne weapons through a satelite in space. And lastly Gore is in the background with hate rays because we all know the evil he would have spread if he were to have become president (I supported Gore for that very reason actually).

That there is the BIOS of the new and wonderful member of the Oasisband team, and Jeff and/or Jesse congrats on turning a crappy idea for a website into a horrible monster that constantly consumes brain mass from the viewing public. Amen I say to you.

The Untalked about Side Effects Of Feminism

I would like to start out this editorial by saying that I have nothing against women and they contribute to the economic and social betterment of this nation, while at the same time allowing me to stare at something prettier than Jeff or Steve's (or my own) ass. But I attack some of the bad effects of feminsim because they need to be talked about eventhough I still support the advancement of women in a society controlled by men. The problem is the forciation into a state of submission towards female issues. A couple of good examples of this is in school if I try and express my view point on the women's movement it immediatly gets shot down, and not only does it get shot down but is gets shot down by the lack of evidence and lack of logic that teachers are trying to promote being used. Feminism has forced these people to mindlessly follow what they have been told about the wonders the feminst movement has done for use. Another example is when I was in church my deacon said that Adam was the one to first eat of the horrid apple that has supposedly cursed mankind from the day of its eating. Now the problem with this is that the bible says that it was Eve to originally eat of the apple, so why doesn't my deacon just say that? The reason is that feminism has pushed him into a state where he merely urges to be politically correct and to aviod offending any women. That seems queer to me because why should we change history to accomodate to not hurt some women's feelings? And that right there is one of the reasons I dislike the movement.

The other reason I dislike feminism is because at least one of arguements that is largely equated to feminism is the issue of abortion. I dislike the stance by a fair number of feminist groups is that their are very hypocritical arguements. To begin a common arguement is that I shouldn't even address this arguement because I am a man and this is a female issue, but if this child is merely a female issue than why should men have to give economic support to the child? If men have no choice on the issue of abortion, meaning that the child is soley the property of the mother, than they should not have to pay for something that they have no ownership of. This is very hypocritcal. Also why is the child the property of the mother to kill. NOW a women's organization supports pro choice, and at the same time they don't support the death of Andrea Yates, who killed her children. In other words this only brings me to the conclusion that NOW and other women's organizations place women over children saying that they are important, and that it is quite okay to kill your children, with no punishment to the mother. Wow this issue simplified seems really awkward that NOW and a significant percent of women's organizations support killing and no redemption to the killer. And I have said is once and I will say it again, that just doesn't settle in my stomach.

To reiterate I support most of feminist ideals and feminst organizations, but too many of their failures go untalked about because it has become a taboo issue and instead we the common people are just told to put blindfolds over our eyes and listen to what ever the feminists tell us. And I can not do that.