- Jesse
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Site News
- Jesse
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- make witty remark
More Comics, New Page, Even LESS Plot?
- Jesse
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- make witty remark
Work on an E-Zine has Ended with DEATH!!!
- Jesse
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- make witty remark
Work on an E-Zine has Begun
- Jesse
- no remarks
- make witty remark
The TMBG Page has a new look
- Jesse
- 1 remarks
- make witty remark
- Jesse
- no remarks
- make witty remark
Old Things
-Ever wanted an e-mail address that's domain is so odd its hard to forget? Well, now you can get a account for my e-mail server, narwhal.zzn.com. Its completely HTML and POP3 compatible(cool huh?) so I dare you to get one!!!
More Comics, and in COLOR
-After a long wait, and the 8 of you who look at this page annoying Jeff and I, the comics have been updated. They are also in color instead of black and white, what does this mean you may ask? It means you can see the blue of the note book paper instead of black lines. big difference isn't it?
New link to us Section
-For all of you that have said that you would like to make a link to us, but don't want just a plain text link, you are now in luck. A page has been added with some cool banners created by yours truly.
Very Happy Lyrics Added
-After a long wait, TMBG lyrics are being added, some are there, more to come, although I haven't gotten the meanings yet, they will be coming soon.
A New Comic
-The comic strip "Duck, Banana, Hat" created by my good friend Jeff Forshe, will now be hosted on my site. So far all of these were created in one night, I would advise you to look at these with an open mind, for with out you most likely wouldn't find any humor in them at all, but if your drunk, you'd laugh your ass off. It is now up in navbar, I figured out what the problem is, so check it out.
Netscape Composer Sucks
-I made all my pages for with Netscape Composer because I wanted to get something up quick, then I uploaded it without even viewing the source, now I had to format my hard drive, and went to edit my page by hand, and realized that I almost had to totally redo what netscape had done. It was full of all kinds of unneeded tags. I am going to do as much of this page as I can by hand from now on.
TMBG is Now on the Site
-With the help of my friend Jeff Forshe, I am attempting to add a They Might Be Giants section to my site.
Navbar Comes To Town
-After a week of trying to use an image map, then using just plain old links, I think I have found something easy enough to work with, and yet doesn't look too shabby.
Oasis, what Oasis?
-I have made a very important decision, originally this page was going to be mainly about the British rock band Oasis, but that was when I registered for this web page. That was almost a year ago, and they had just gotten back to me giving me this web site. I now have about 1/100th the interest in Oasis I had back then. I have now decided to make this page my personal page, and just put things I think are cool, and express my personal opinions with this site. If you are looking for the official oasis band web page (which I know it is hard to find) it is http://www.oasisinet.com. I, myself, searched and searched for it, couldn't find it, so I checked one of my newer Oasis CD's and it was on there.
The Carp has been Ditched!!!
-Some might say, "Thank the lord", others might miss the carp, and others probably have absolutely no clue what I talking about. Well for those of you, I was trying to design a web page, and being on a new computer I am extremely short on pictures, so I took a picture of a carp from my clip art and used it for a background, and very crapily threw together a web site. I am currently working on making this the best "darn tootin" web site I possibly can. I finally got an actual domain name, although I have to supply my own space so its hosted on Geocities. I am planing on getting cable modem some day soon so I can host it my self. Just watch and find out.
To Midi or not to Midi
-I'm having trouble deciding if I should have a midi on my web site, I know how it is to have a old computer, and when you go to a site with music on it, it incredibly slows down your machine. But on the other side I have just purchased a midi keyboard, with not much to do with it. I'd like your opinions, so to tell me what you think e-mail me at donatj@juno.com or donatj@oasisband.net although I haven't tested that one yet.
The Eternal Question
-Is web page one or two words? What about web site? All my spell checkers tell me there two, but I'm fairly sure that there one. Well tell me your opinion, I'd love to hear. donatj@juno.com
On This Day…
Political Rants
Mel Gibson now stars in Passion of the Lack of Christ
I recently discovered that Mel Gibson is some kind of hard-core catholic instead of a scientologist like I though he was. I mean i gues this explains why he spent so much of his own money (I heard li…
Oasis Band
We all know who the band Oasis is. And we all know the generation of this name for this website, as though everyone apart of this watering hole must be a fan of the band Oasis. But I wou…
Andrew -
Movie Reviews
Kinamand (Meaning Chinaman in English) was a beautiful and interesting film. The main character, Keld, is a plumber who is more or less stuck in a rut. When his wife of many years leaves him for anot…
Jesse -
Movie Reviews
Last Life in the Universe
I’ve mentioned several times before watching a movie strictly for atmosphere. If any move I’ve ever seen has been worth watching for Atmosphere, its Last Life in the Universe. By Pen-Ek Ratanaruang…
Jesse -
Peter Schiff on Obama Economics
I don't like to use Oasisband just to post things, but this is worth a listen
Jesse -
Fifth Letter to Jesse
We are really not all that different, we are both people who really don't meet people. This is probably because of our own faults. These things need to be corrected in my opinion but we are both stubb…
Forshizzle -
The Fifth Letter to Jeff Forshee
Let me begin this by stating that I have in fact read every letter you have ever posted to Oasisband and have claimed otherwise because frankly, I've had no idea how to respond to them, with that in …
Jesse -
Movie Reviews
Nana 2
I hesitate to say I hated this movie, because I didn't. I want to hate it, I desperately want to hate it. I can't though, mostly because if anything it did get me thinking. This film was the polar…
Jesse -
** This is a letter I wrote to Brittany a few days ago and I am posting it here with her blessing. This is an old story told here with far too much poetry and far too little truth but I do hope someb…