
A Warning

To certain new members of the aNaRcHiSt TiMeS: I believe that your methods of writing need an overhaul, as do one or more of my superiors (who will under no circumstances tolerate feebery), who can change your status as a writer. Just interject more actual facts, as opposed to spineless, half-developed opinions. Back up what you say. Enough said? Good, I thought so.

Magico I dislike You

Magico you come onto the Atimes as someone with many opinions and willing to express them, but the problem is that you don't like giving and substantial proof or to that matter barely any subsequent proof. If you want to rant and rave on this paper I will support it and I will listen to the bull shit you are saying, but providing no facts and just shooting off you mouth demeans the entire paper and it turns it into a paper that seems like a bunch a prepubescent children are shouting out their completely spur of the moment ideas. You said that gun control is completely against the constitution, but two things to say to this. One is that the constitution is a living article and that (eventhough I don't agree with this) can change and be manipulated to fit current situations. And two you said guns were to protect people from wild beasts, but I hope by wild beast you meant government -- as guns were neccessary to allow American citizens to form into militias to fight off the British government or rebel against any infair laws. In other words -- I don't disagree with your opinion about the constitution, but you need some facts that aren't pulled out from you ass and that have some substantial detail.

My second problem with your articles aren't as much with what you say but moreso you as a person. You first off call someone retarded and then steal her ball. Sorry but I don't support anyone stealing a ball from someone who is handicapped and furthermore to go and laugh at it is completely disturbing. And the other reason I dislike you is because you aren't very intelligent. In fact you are a feeb. You think that throwing random words over two syllables into your editorial makes you sound more intelligent, but since you don't fully understand the words you use it just sounds like you are an idiot. Also by using larger words and ones that aren't commonly used you are expressing a fair amount of arrogance because you are mocking people who don't have quite as large of a vocabulary as you. And lastly as I expressed before you have no concept of history or the concept of what a piece of evidence is.

My advice to you Magico is to get some knowledge to back your opinions and to contemplate your thought before you write them down on this web site and humiliate its intention of educating the masses. You are a feeb, and you write on this web site . . . and that just doesn't settle in my stomach.

In response to Franson

I resent your mother *BEEP* article, go to *BEEP* mother *BEEP*-er. SUCK *BEEP* loser, I hate You and your mother *BEEP*-ing friends. *BEEP*-hole. It's called the *BEEP*-ing First *BEEP*-ing Amendment, *BEEP*-hound, god-*BEEP* it. GO TO *BEEP* PEICE OF *BEEP*, *BEEP* and another thing *BEEP*BEEP*BEEP*. That shows you.
-"*BEEP* this" as said by Magico

I am Angry Listen to what I say... Fool

I write today disgusted. The government has let the good people of this nation down, the promises made to are fore-fathers are no longer honored. I speak of the constitution that sacred document that binds this nation, it is a contract that many feel is no longer binding. In fact I'd be surprised if a single politician in Washington takes it seriously or has even read the document to which they owe their own jobs. I mean it. Take a look at all the laws they pass there these days; take gun control for example. Supporters of gun control argue that the Second Amendment was crafted during a time period where there was no protection from the wild beasts, and therefore it should no longer apply. They argue that it is too old, TOO OLD! Then why not discard the entire Bill of Rights or better yet the whole Constitution itself it's from the same time period, idiots. I'm sure they would like that to to have no restrictions governing their abuse of power, communists and liberal tyrants. If they had their way the country would be run by a combination Lenin and Caligula, because that is what they'd do to the american dream, redistribute it and watch it burn. They stand against every thing good and holy: entrapeneurship, founding fathers, and god. Look and see Washington's Birthday turned to "Presidents day" Jefferson's name besmirched by veiled allegations of rape, and the elevation of Martin Luther King allevated above the builders of the country with his own day. Not that I have any thing against African Americans but if the champion of every cause had their own day than every day would be a holiday. MLK only reformed an institution, granted the institution was bad but he did not shape a nation nor did he lay the foundation for all things american. Well it's a free day off school so what am I complaining about.
by an Angry Magico

The First In My Series of Great Injustices of the world:

Ok, this is what happened to me today: In gym we were playing a modified game of keep away, and when the retarded girl in our class dropped the ball, I took it and refused to give it back. Then this girl named Amber yells at me to give it back and I say "It's a game, I play to win." She then states that I should give it back because she is retarded. I go, "No preferential treatment!" Somehow I come out of this as the bad guy, even though no one on MY team objected. Am I crazy or is playing to the best of my ability a crime, if the retard is exempt from the rules what is the point of playing the game at all. In other peoples' minds I think they think that because they have the retard on their team they should be garraunteed the win! THIS is unjustice.
Same Gym class we played a game of team handball. The aforementioned Amber was on the opposing team to me. Every time she shot the ball (I was the goalie for most of the game) she screamed "No special treatment this," to which my response was, "Just the way I like, bring it." This served to enrage her more. During a period where I wasn't playing goalie, I used my strategy of standing between the player with the ball and the goal to great effect. The rules of handball as we play it are that you must shot from beyond the baseline of the basketball court to the goal on the other side of the track. Amber decried my tactic as unfair though nothing prevented them from using it for themselves and promptly tried to dislodge me from my position as that tactic had worked on a previous occasion. She learned better as she got a swift shoulder to the gut and a blocked shot. Suck it Amber!!!!


Listen folks, I bear today the imutable truth that none can deny; that John Madden supposed football guru is none other than Demon Lord Braxis, spawn of satan from the eternal pits deep it the underworld sent in succubus form to devour the world in insantity for the dark lord to corrupt. When you hear the demon's rousing cry of stupidity, "...the object is to get the brown leather ball into the painted area at the end of the field," can you doubt for one second the above truth. I feel whenever I see that bohemian monster on screen that a should order chinese food and plunge the chopsticks into my chest while forcing an entire carry-out thing of dry rice into my gullet, leting it slide into my stomach and expand causing me to explode it'd be a pain I'd willingly accept as punishment for hearing that man speak. "The reciever's job is to catch the ball, while the quarterback's job is to throw it," no duh, idiot! "The running back shouldn't drop the ball like that..." is he lecturing retards. What I see when I picture him is a man with a face greasy from sixleged chicken saying, "..you know the coach can not challenge in the last two minutes.." and as Pat Somerall replies, "There are three minutes left." and Madden taking a long hard stare at him and then yelling while shaking his flabby arms wildly, "FOOOOTBAAAALL, uuuaghic-haaaa." Do the world a favor Madden die and leave the world in peace.
- Magico reflecting on professional Football.

*BEEP* the *BEEP*ing *BEEP*ers!!

This is beginning to really get on my nerves. Do people really need to swear all the time?! I mean really, all I hear all day, every day at school is swearing. *BEEP* this. *BEEP* that. If you walk out into the mall and stay there for any extended period of time, you'll hear more swearing than in any movie ever made, almost guaranteed. In this day and age, people need swearing to communicate, and it bothers me a lot. Who do I blame? Feebs. Am I wrong? NO.

"This is beginning to annoy me," Said The Man As His Brain Oozed Out His Left Nostril

This is irritating to me (and perhaps only me), but just to bring it up: how many of you have ever read a book which was amazing, and then seen the movie based on the book, which was total crap? It bothers me that such great authors of our time as Stephen King and Jeffrey Deaver (who wrote Pet Sematary (along with 'Salem's Lot, The Tommyknockers and many others) and The Bone Collector, respectively) wrote great books, which then were turned into movies that sucked. In fact, almost all books that were changed to movies suck, and that angers me. Take, for another example, The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss. Book: AMAZING. Movie? CRAP. See my point? It's wrong, I tell's ya! Just wrong!

My Apologies

Ladies And Gentlemen I would like to apologize for not mentioning this earlier but commas are below me and and don't enjoy using them in all situations only when I damn well please. This means that if something doesn't make any sense add a mental comma and it just might (or what happens 95% of the time I just write something completely incoherent that sound nifty to me well I am hyped up on some opium but other wise it suck0rz. And on the plus side I am starting to use paragraphs so maybe i will become completely coherent . . . the day of supreme evil.