Political Rants

The Untalked about Side Effects Of Feminism

I would like to start out this editorial by saying that I have nothing against women and they contribute to the economic and social betterment of this nation, while at the same time allowing me to stare at something prettier than Jeff or Steve's (or my own) ass. But I attack some of the bad effects of feminsim because they need to be talked about eventhough I still support the advancement of women in a society controlled by men. The problem is the forciation into a state of submission towards female issues. A couple of good examples of this is in school if I try and express my view point on the women's movement it immediatly gets shot down, and not only does it get shot down but is gets shot down by the lack of evidence and lack of logic that teachers are trying to promote being used. Feminism has forced these people to mindlessly follow what they have been told about the wonders the feminst movement has done for use. Another example is when I was in church my deacon said that Adam was the one to first eat of the horrid apple that has supposedly cursed mankind from the day of its eating. Now the problem with this is that the bible says that it was Eve to originally eat of the apple, so why doesn't my deacon just say that? The reason is that feminism has pushed him into a state where he merely urges to be politically correct and to aviod offending any women. That seems queer to me because why should we change history to accomodate to not hurt some women's feelings? And that right there is one of the reasons I dislike the movement.

The other reason I dislike feminism is because at least one of arguements that is largely equated to feminism is the issue of abortion. I dislike the stance by a fair number of feminist groups is that their are very hypocritical arguements. To begin a common arguement is that I shouldn't even address this arguement because I am a man and this is a female issue, but if this child is merely a female issue than why should men have to give economic support to the child? If men have no choice on the issue of abortion, meaning that the child is soley the property of the mother, than they should not have to pay for something that they have no ownership of. This is very hypocritcal. Also why is the child the property of the mother to kill. NOW a women's organization supports pro choice, and at the same time they don't support the death of Andrea Yates, who killed her children. In other words this only brings me to the conclusion that NOW and other women's organizations place women over children saying that they are important, and that it is quite okay to kill your children, with no punishment to the mother. Wow this issue simplified seems really awkward that NOW and a significant percent of women's organizations support killing and no redemption to the killer. And I have said is once and I will say it again, that just doesn't settle in my stomach.

To reiterate I support most of feminist ideals and feminst organizations, but too many of their failures go untalked about because it has become a taboo issue and instead we the common people are just told to put blindfolds over our eyes and listen to what ever the feminists tell us. And I can not do that.

A Frightened Little Man Writing From Inside His Cage

Well, now popular culture has gone and done it. Perhaps this is one time too many to lash out at the media whores and money snatchers, perhaps it isn't. You be the judge.

Now then, for the reason behind this article. This is perhaps the single most frightening thing that has happened to me in the last year, if not my entire life. Now then, I was drawing parallels between the society of the 1950's and now (perhaps Andrew can relate to the assignment), and I came across the following: Buddy Holly (along with several other notable musicians of the time), Ben Hur, and The Catcher in the Rye. Now this, in and of itself, may not seem so bad. However, following this, and some in-depth thought processes, the best parallels I could come up with were N* Sync (Stync), Dude, Wheres My Car, and (pick a crappy grocery store romance novel title and insert here). Does this scare the hell out of anyone besides me?


After viewing another informative episode of the O'Reily Factor on FOX news I came to the conclusion that I despise the program PETA. Than after reading Franson's inspired article on Oprah being the Queen of Feebs my hatred of PETA grew to a point where I couldn't retain it. The problem PETA with that I found is that it is tax exempt; this is because it is a non profit, government sponsored organization. And the problem with tax exemption is we the tax payers and future tax payers of America are having to pay extra to cover the amount that the tax exempt organization are not paying, which ultimately means that we the tax payers and future tax payers are giving money to these organizations. This would not bother me if my money was going to an organization that contributed to the betterment of America, as PETA openly does not do. PETA funds terrorist attacks on American companies that don't sponsor PETA's radical views of screwing humans and saving cows. As well as PETA isn't exactly a partial organization in the meaning that they definitly have an agenda and a radical view point, which means that all Americans are funding radical view points as well as terrorism, and that just doesn't settle in my stomach. PETA's tax exemption is a horrible problem that spawns from the Clinton administration, but then I ask myself the question, When the hell is Bush going to do something about it? So I personally wrote a letter to PETA and a letter to my state senator explaining my extreme disocontent and I would urge any American citizen who doesn't want their tax money supporting a radical terrorist organization, that is actually hindering the progress of America and not benefitting America in the least, to do the same as myself and petition to your state senators and write possibly a very threatening message to PETA telling to stop funding terrorism and stop putting their tax debt on the rest of the American, honest, tax payers. God Bless America -- God Crush PETA!

Oprah: Queen of the Feebs

To continue my rapidly-emerging expose on those of feeble mind, I will now rant, rave, and otherwise commit random acts of lunacy about the queen of them all: Oprah. She has been given the title of "Borg Queen of Feebs". Where she was crowned this (inside my very own skull, boys and girls) matters not. What is truly important is the evil swarm of feeble parents she has spawned, and now intends to destroy the world with using a giant "feeb ray" (you heard it here first, kiddies). However, you may be thinking, "how can Oprah be the Supreme Queen of Feebs? I thought that was my sister!" Your sister may very well be the closest associate of Oprah; that is not for me to prove or disprove. However, I present to you these startling facts: for the first (and only) time, I actually stopped flicking rapidly between channels on the Oprah Show. I wanted to change the channel, and with all my might I tried, but I simply couldn't. Also, through what I could catch, she was blaming all the world's evil on either MTV (idiotic, but not too bad) or violent video games. Yet, even through this obviously feebish (word of my own creation) activity, I was transfixed. Thus, Oprah is corrupting (or has corrupted) all our parents, who will raise her to power in the post-feeb ray apocalypse. I hope, for all our sakes, that she can be stopped.

Degeneration? What's that mean? I don't like big words!

Well, I was walking through the halls of the High School today (and the rest of my time there, (and the vast majority of my time in the public school system, for that matter)), and a shocking realization came to me. It was, and I quote: people, in general, are feebs. But why? Why are people such intolerable feebs? Then, another startling realization came to me. It was, simply, that popular culture, being the root of all evils, is also the root of this one. I mean really people, Take a step back and a look at what popular culture is, and even more importantly, what it isn't. It isn't about knowledge; if one were to do nothing but become entirely immersed in popular culture, on the day that such a poor, unfortunate soul went to his grave, he would have no idea of concepts as simple as what the heck a book is, or who George Washington was. Consider this: have you ever seen an ad for the newest bestseller, or even one of the great classics of literature, on MTV? Thus, it isn't about intelligence rising to the top, and stupidity sinking to the bottom (the ideal society, in my opinion). It's purely about mindless sex, terrible music, and above all, STUPID BRAINDEAD FEEBS. I hope that this little paragraph has given you some valuable insight into how bad society has become over the last few years. I know it should have.

Dear Franson . . . You Twisted my Nipples too Damn Far.

I want to start my editorial off by declaring that I have no problems with Franson now that I have met him, and realize that he is a good person. But with that comment I would like to continue to say that if you ever use the phrase Jumped the Shark I will jump you with a Hitler Youth Knife. And to a further extent I will turn you into a whoriation and a pogue at the same time. But on that note I also give you Kudos because unlike the disgruntled idiot that falls under the psydo name Krispy (which he isnt) doesnt know how to use the phrase to the least extent. To avoid other confrontations of stupidity the other phrases that you are no one else can say are as listed below. Pogue, Hitler Youth Knife, psydo Ass, quazi Bitch, Stussi deine kopf nicht on dar lampe, Stussi deine impr?gnieren on dar lampe, whoriation, whoriator, or any other sort of line that I use on occasion. Yes, yes I will admit it AP has sent me over the cliff and I have snapped, and to an extent a raving psycho fool. And you quoting this line that I stole from Duffy, who stole from some other place that got it from Happy Days, makes me go even more crazy. So you have twisted my nipples to far as you pushed me from being crazy to stark raving mad. On one hand I applaud you efforts, but on the other hand I plan on killing you slowing while you sleep and watch you suffer under the sleak wisdom of my once Nazi weilded knife. El Fin (of the editorial and possibly of you).

My Struggle... To Retain My Sanity!

Wow. Morpheus now sucks. Without Napster, the pornography-free music download software, as a whole, is absolutely awful. I'd even go so far as to say it "jumps the shark", if you will. How could all of these problems have been solved? By leaving people to run their business. Lassiez-faire capitolism is a good thing, for the most part. So long as someone isn't controlling the market of their products (which Napster was NOT) and driving up the prices of their products, thus screwing over the consumer (Napster never committed this act either), lassiez-faire works just fine. Napster wasn't controlling its field of business, as it never came anywhere close to controlling the music industry (which reported record-high profits in every single year following Napster's debut). The crux of my argument, stated simply, is that if the music industry had not whined and complained about having a single, small competitor for so long and to so many, I could still enjoy a Saturday morning discovering the best damn bands there are to be found. Thank you, music industry, and thank you judicial branch for ruining Napster, thus demolishing these small bands' only chance of success. You've done us an irrepayable favor.

Insanity in the courts

There was a man who was rear ended by a woman on the highway who had her dog on her lap, she kept on driving, he forcerd her to the side, took her dog out of the car and trew it into oncoming traffic. He is now in jail and she got off without a single charge. I say this is insanity, under proper provication you should have the right to take the law into your own hands. This includes the killing of dogs when nessessary! She was a danger to all, and I believe her licences should be taken away and she should be greatly fined.

Anyone Else With Me On This, Or Am I Going Stark Raving Crazy?


Okay, here goes:

Does anyone else see the absurdity of this situation? My father, in all his incredible wisdom, has decided that I, being an impressionable teenager, may not watch R-rated films, despite the fact that some of the best movies out there bear said rating. (Example: I ask him to see every single one of the following. His one an only reply? "You can, when you're seventeen". Here's the list: A Clockwork Orange, Godfather I, Godfather II, Godfather III, The Silence of the Lambs, Patton, and Platoon.) Side notes: 1. He scoffed at me when I asked to see A Clockwork Orange, asking "why do you want to see that?". 2. He OWNS the Godfather trilogy.

Just as some background, of the 35 or so American Film Institute Top 100 films made since the movie rating system was enacted, 17 or so were R-rated. That means that the R-rated category produces just as many good films per year as those in all three other categories combined.

But here's where it gets really good. On his own, he has asked me to see the following critically-acclaimed R-rateds: Alien 3, Blade, and The Matrix, all by himself, with no prompting whatsoever from me. Am I missing something here, or is my dad an ignorant hypocrite who contradicts both himself and readily-available information on a daily basis?

Hmm... I seem to have forgotten all the language I was going to add... Oh well, best just leave it. *another bitter laugh*

~Chris Franson, 2/8/02

No one is reading this anyway

I know no one ever reads this so I have decided to speak my mind, those of you who are not reading this may remember my article "Why I hate Minnesota" which ended up being more of an anti-suv article. Well this time I am going to dig much much deeper into this, I'm going to point fingers and call names.

I want to start off by saying the people of this state are some of the worst people on earth. Minnesota has no morals. Almost everyone here fits at least one of these categories: "Money Grubbing Bastard, Image obsessed bitch, Overbearing Ass Wipe, Ignorant Fool, Passive Aggressive Son of a Bitch, Communist, Bleeding Heart, and just plain Jack Ass"

Another reason Minnesota is a horrible place to live is the simple politics of the place, they are all democrats. They're answer to anything is lets throw the people hard earned cash at it instead of reforming the current system because its much easier and doesn't work. And on the ignorant fool area, about 2 years ago, maybe less then that when senators were being elected they elected the man(Mark Dayton) who blew a whole bunch of promises out his ass, instead of the man who had much more experience, and had about 1/3 as many commercials as the opponent. I believe it was somewhere around $200,000 Mark Dayton spent on commercials. He simply won because he was rich and had more money to blow out is ass. Also on the topic of politics, the stupid ass laws they create in Minnesota, I'm many cities it is illegal to park more than 3 cars in your yard, illegal to park a camper on your lawn, illegal to cover a car with a tarp, when a tree is on public property in front of your house you cant chop it down but your required to maintain it, their is a maximum length your grass may reach before you are required by law to mow it, your required to have a certain percentage of grass on your lawn, your only allowed to own two dogs, and you can get more time in jail for killing a dog in cold blood than a person.

Last but not least, what made me decide to write this is the fact of the stupid ass rules in my school. We went to get 3 copies of a packet for the teacher today, they told us we needed a TA pass, then we returned with a note from the teacher, one again rejected. Why would we want go to such measurs just to waist paper? This is the kind of thing that could make a person want to repeat columbine, although I am sane and am not going to.