

Brick Movie Poster

Brick is an oddity as it?s a sort of film noir revolving around a group of high school kids. The dialog of the movie is the sort that smacks you across the face and leaves you either loving it or hating it, in that it is stunningly out of place for high school students, and would be far more fitting in a 1950?s crime drama. For about the first third of the film I was sitting there thinking "What the hell is this I'm watching?!" but I soon realized to just flow with it.

The film began with this perfectly fitting kind of indistinguishable yet completely coherent clanging music unlike anything I think I've heard before, as the main character, Brendan, played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt of "3rd Rock from the Sun" fame, standing over a dead body in a culvert, who you soon find out is his ex-girlfriend Emily. The film flashes back to two days earlier, where he learns she was in some kind of unknown trouble. He spends the next portion of the film trying to find out where she is and what kind of trouble she is in, until ultimately coming across her deceased body two days later. He decides to get vigilante justice against those who set her up, working his way into a drug ring and putting himself in grave danger on several occasions.

Brick Movie Screenshot

The movie was quite enjoyable overall. As mentioned previously, the language takes some getting past, there are several spots of "extreme emotion" where I couldn?t help myself but laugh at what ends up being very inappropriate times to laugh, similar to that found in the movie Saw

As a side note, the only other song I remember throughout the rest of the film sounds awfully similar to a Joanna Newsom song with a note extended for dramatic purposes, and bothered me throughout.

No Such Thing

This is a monster movie more in the way of Alice in Wonderland then Attack of the Giant Sea Thing from Space (It has both a blond in pig-tails and a mad scientist). The story is of an old alcoholic monster who just wants to die and a secretary turned dominatrix(well not really but you'll know exactly what I mean when you see it). The whole movie is about as nonsensical which in my book is a big plus. Now don't get me wrong don't expect Lynch like surrealism. This is a fairy tail for adults. A genre that has not really been explored at all. Now just because it's a fairy tale doesn't mean its at all simple. This is one of those films that you can read into however you can just be content with what's there. I really like this film I saw it on TV and was just kind of pulled in. I liked it more then my rating shows. it's a hard movie to attach a number to because its so different. Many will discount this film because of the deliberate non-acting in parts (think Mulholland Dr.) and the great but goofy sound track (think if Casio made an acoustic violin) but if you want something different pick up a copy.

Stereo Future

I've had this movie for a long time, and I finally got around to watching it. From what I've heard it's an episode in a series of films, though I cannot find information on any earlier or later ones on IMDB. When I as in the single sentence summary call this the Japanese version of garden state this doesn't refer to the plot but rather the characters.

In both Stereo Future and Garden State the main characters are aspiring actors, who have girl friends with mental issues. Moreover they have friends making money doing illegal things.

Both movies also have a similar kind of laid back feel and both have great music. Despite the really utter lack of plot, this film did have a great atmosphere.

The movie follows several people including an aspiring actor, Keisuke, a television reporter and a few others lives for the length of the film with the connections not becoming apparent until the last few minutes.

In all honesty it was beautifully done, but came off kind of preachy at times and went nowhere.

If you've got nothing to do, its not bad, its just not good.

On an interesting side note the one American in the film "Dr. Danny Moreno" is in fact the man who choreographed 'Earth Girls are Easy'

Yahoo Widget Engine 3.0

When yahoo purchased Konfabulator I was suspicious at first, but then they put out Konfabulator 2.0 which was a great release. I thought I had no need to be suspicious. But now with the 3.0 release Yahoo has decided to show their true colors. They have completely destroyed the website. It doesn't render properly in anything other than Internet Explorer, and the page is as jumbled as Yahoo's home page. Next, they bundled hundreds of useless pieces of software with it, and even if you uncheck everything you get Yahoo Messenger which I don't want nor need.

And as if that wasn't bad enough, they decided to add insult to injury. They took down all the widgets I had programmed.

I am horrified at these turn of events.

Update - It's not as bad as I thought


I was at Best Buy and on an impulse purchase, I bought Oldboy because it made quite clear, all over the box, that it had DTS Audio. Oldboy Movie Poster

The movie starts out with a man, Dae-su, who has been out for a heavy night of drinking. He?s at the police department, taken in for public drunkenness. His friend comes to pick him up and take him home, but before he can get home, Dae-su vanishes. The next thing he knows he?s in a prison without knowing why or for how long. He stays in prison for 15 years until he mysteriously was released. He then finds out he has four days to find out who imprisoned him and why.

The movie gets a ten for style in my book. It steals a concept from Pulp Fiction in a scene and draws a dotted line between a hammer and where it is aimed. The fight scenes are decent but the ultraviolence is not quite up to par with Audition for instance. With this said, onto the plot. The plot is lacking in the extreme sense, and what plot there is, honestly, is stupid. Overall, it was entertaining to watch, but beyond that not much else.

Sidenote: I recently discovered they are making an American version. Yuck.

Battlefield Baseball

Firstly, let me apologize for the low quality of this review, but I promise it is thousands of times better then the caliber of the movie.

This movie had everything, zombies, baseball? wait, not everything, just zombies and baseball. Remember something cheesy you saw in a movie once upon a time? More then likely, it was used in this movie. Cheesy sound effects, breaking out into song, someone punching someone and crappy looking dummy goes flying, the list goes on.

The context of the movie is basically this: a high school baseball team is trying to make it to the finals, they find out they have to play "Gedo High School" in their first game. They are a team of zombies that instead of playing baseball just kill everyone. The principal is not going to let them play, but then sees a new student playing "Baseball Fight" with a local bully, and begs him (Jubei) to play so they can beat Gedo High School. After much begging by the principal and players on the team Jubei breaks into song and tells the tragic story of how he once threw a baseball so hard it went through his father and killed him. He then agrees to play. At the first game, he Jubei does not show up until after the entire team has been killed because he had to break out of prison. They proceed to kill him, but the best part is how they kill him. A bomb explodes; his fake body goes flying through the air, lands, and a tomb stone pops up. Several months later, he comes back to life and seeks revenge. He comes back just in time for the team which is dead to fight them Gedo High School again. He shows up at the game, and they mock him for not having a team, but then about half the dead team comes back cyborgs thanks to as they put it "advanced technologies." Other random people fill the rest of the team and they go on to fight the Gedo High School. They fight until once again no one is left but Jubei and the coach, and after a huge fight Jubei decides to show the coach mercy. But then one of the Gedo high school kids shoots the coach with a machine gun for being weak. Jubei is so pissed off that he hits the kid so hard his skeleton flies out of his body, and then he beats up his skeleton. He then looks around and notices that everyone is dead including the audience, and says some cheesy words about how it is all his fault and he should never have played baseball again after killing his father. He then cries and his tears bring everyone back to life. The End

Besides the fact that this was quite possibly the stupidest movie I have ever seen, it was actually somewhat entertaining. I think it would make a decent party movie as its short, only 1:20 long, and has quite a few things you would only laugh about with other people around. Overall it was OK. I wouldn't watch it again, but I don't necessarily regret watching it.

Garden State

I bought this movie a while ago. It's been sitting on my table for weeks waiting for me to watch it. Tonight with the Katrina Aid on every channel, I decided to watch it.

The movie is about a guy who has been overmedicated, by his father who is a psychiatrist, for something he did when he was nine. The drugs have kept him numb his entire adult life. On returning home he visits all his old friends, makes a new one, and realizes what's important in life. Overall, the plot was somewhat lacking, but there was much detail in the plot there was. I need to name a genre for this along with several other films I've seen as of late that are very realistic and yet not realistic at all. Surreal kind of, but not precisely.

The cinematography and camera work was pretty good actually. There was one scene in Sam's back yard where the camera flies outward into the sky, which was reminiscent of the final scene in the version of 'Much Ado about Nothing' which features Keanu Reaves.

My one major complaint about the movie, this is probably just me though, is that throughout the entire thing Zach Braff appeared to be wearing large amounts of eye shadow. It was distracting. Also, from a scene where he goes to have a talk with his father until the end of the movie he seems to act overly effeminate, especially when he's saying goodbye to Sam.

Probably my favorite part of the film was the sound track. It was almost as though they took what I was listening to at the time the film came out and used it all in the movie. The Shins, Frou Frou, Iron and Wine all featured.

Me, You, and Everyone We Know

While the number of independent movies I have seen over the years is far from impressive, it was often because I had little interest in seeing a movie that required so much ongoing analysis that I wouldn't be able to simply enjoy myself and have a good time. "Me You and everyone we know" however has given me a renewed interest in independent film for one reason: it was a extremely well shot, edited, scored, etc movie that highlighted the artistic skill of those involved in its production but at the same time was a terrific film that I was able to truly enjoy without being so full of hidden meanings and the such that I had to bend over backwards to keep up.

Don't get me wrong, this is no shallow movie, indeed it is far from it. The script seems to effortlessly timely in its use of humor and drama while avoiding the timeless pitfall of becoming bloated with unnecessary scenes or details. Instead each scene has a clear purpose and every line is used so well that that movie is so clean of wasteful material its nothing short of a breath of fresh air from the often cookie-cutter productions of the major studios.

The story centers on a struggling contemporary artist and a recently divorced shoe salesman who meet due to a chance encounter at the local mall. While some reviewers have come to the conclusion the movie seeks to portray how the difficulty of establishing meaningful relationships in an increasingly "me centered" world, I came away with a different impression. Instead of becoming overly engrossed with the effects of the emerging relationship on the two people involved, the movie also underscores that no relationship exists in a vacuum by using a series of side plots to show just how interwoven our lives are with those of "Me You and everyone we know." From beginning to end, "Me and You and Everyone we Know" remains refreshingly on track, coming together despite a number twists and turns, that... well that to be honest it caught me off guard.

So much of independent film is so artistically focused it becomes more of a chore to watch that few people can relate to or understand it. "Me You and Everyone we Know" skillfully walks the line between art and entertainment resulting in a must-see finished project that leaves you hoping its not the last of its kind.



On the surface this film just seems like another story of two women at a summerhouse retreat and the conflict that arises between the two during their stay, which is nothing tremendously innovative. It wasn?t until I watched it the second time did I really fell in love with it, which is partly do to with the fact that the first time the subtitles were out of sync by half a minute. It was when I watched it the second time and the action matched the dialog that I became aware of what a complex and magnificent story was presented.

The story begins with an actress that suffers a nervous breakdown while on stage and subsequently enters a clinic for treatment. A nurse is assigned to care for the actress so that she may return to the stage. Since her breakdown the actress has completely stopped talking. In the entire film she will only speak once despite being the inadvertent protagonist in the film. Like any other film with two hot Swedish women, they have to go to the countryside to relax with each other, and of course the nurse has to confess her first sex orgy as a teenager. Nothing special about that. The two start off polite, with the nurse very envious of the actress?s big screen life. The nurse, feeling as though she has made a personal connection with the actress, confesses to her a dark secret that she has hid from her husband that is connected to the sex orgy. When the nurse learns that the actress failed to keep her secret confidential, there is a shift away from the polite relationship. The nurse no longer holds the actress on a high pedestal of perfection and innocence. The nurse then goes through a range of emotions from sorrow to rage then to sadness in which she seeks for forgiveness from the actress for her violent outburst during her state of rage. However, this is not the final resolution that one might expect. Another secret is revealed that is equally as dark as the nurse?s secret. It is during this revelation that the audience learns of the actress?s major faults, and through a series of events you learn that while in their public life the two are total opposites that in fact that they are one and the same.

The film starts out with a serious of short clips of seemingly unrelated and confusing events that add the atmosphere and a feeling awkwardness and discomfort that lets the viewer know that all is not well. It also acts as an early hint of the actress?s dark secret, although you are not aware of it at the time thus adding some mystery to the film and makes the latter half that much more magnificent. The true success of this film is that despite taking place in a single environment, with primarily only one character doing all the talking, it still manages to remain a fascinating and engaging experience for the viewer. Furthermore, that the only other character never speaks yet we are still able to get into her personal life and that she still remains a major player in the drama just further illustrates the great skills of Bergman.

Dodgeball (A true underdog story)

Dodge ball is a great movie that knows what kind of movie it is and to its credit never pretends to be anything else. Dodge ball is the kind of movie you sit back, watch, laugh your ass off, and then is so quotable that your friends kick your ass because it's all you can talk about for three days. The movie centers around the owner of a small gym by the name of Peter Mcflur, who must raise 50,000 dollars to avoid being bought out by mega-fitness club chain Globo-Gym and its owner White Goodman. The only way to save the club is to enter into the 50,000 dollar national dodge ball championships televised live on ESPN 8 "The ocho." The movie plays off a number of stereotypes and is a good way to laugh. Note: if you're easily offended by anything that is not politically correct, I recommend you close and lock all your windows and doors, and avoid any contact with the outside world, don't watch this movie, and never go outside because there is a small chance someone may say something you disagree with and you won't be able to move on...

-Paul Johnson will return...