Site News

Feed Me

Oasisbands new RSS feed is operational after much fighting. As Paul put it "They dont like you, seriously, saw an aritcle about it on the web, 'RSS2.0 hates Jesse Donat' they were very in depth" I intened tto fix it up some over time, as it was a little hackishly thrown together. If you're using Firefox you can subscribe by clicking that icon on the right of the address bar, or you can use an external reader. I'll put a link to it in the side bar later. It can be found here: link Also, if you're using Firefox, but wish to use an external reader, Feed Your Reader is a great extension, available here.

Steve Irwin Died Today

Steve Irwin, the "Crocodile Hunter" one of my favorite crazy bastards died today messing with a stingray.  As Mike says “That'll teach him to fuck with stingrays” (cite BBC News) He will be greatly missed by young and old alike.

New Comics Up!

After much waiting new comics are up (Over 150 comics now (woot)). Two by me and the rest by me and Meka (the difference should be painfully clear). More on the way soon so keep checking. I did my part not the rest of you lazy bastards post some thing.

Still Here

Though updates have slowed a little, we are still here and will continue to update the site. Jeff has a number of new comics lined up as well as an insight article from a long time Oasisband member who has never written anything before.

Oasisband Services

Omnipresence goes public! I've added a new page to the site "Oasisband Services" which is currently just Omnipresence. Omnipresence is a notepad like tool that can be used either as a standalone application, or through the services page to keep track of notes between multiple computers, (school, home, work, etc) Personally I use it to keep track of things between my laptop, my tower, and my parents machine. I had found myself keeping text files on my desktops to keep track of notes and thought "There has to be a better way" so over the last Year Omnipresence has developed into its current form. All Oasisband writers have accounts, though the ones I don't have email addresses for (Chris Franson, Hans Kuder, and Nick Miller) might have trouble with their accounts. If anyone needs their passwords, the password recovery system will send it to the email address we have on file, though they may be outdated. If anyone needs assistance just email me ( and I'll be more than happy to help.

We Severed All Ties

Back when the stars aligned and we created Oasisband, we used Geocities for hosting, Namezero as a registrar, and Blogger for posting. We have now successfully moved away from all of them. The news page (you're reading) was the last page to be moved to my posting system.

Well, this weekend a lot has happened with the site. Firstly you might notice the new main page. Internet Explorer hates it, I plan on writing some code to catch if you're using IE, but for now I suggest you upgrade to Firefox or at least the IE7 beta. The new pages are all going to be XHtml Transitional Compliant, though thus far I believe the only pages that are are the main page and Oasisband Insight. A number of pages look really ugly at the moment, but rest assured they'll be fixed. Also, if anyone actually uses Narwhal Email anymore drop me a line. else I shall be sending it the way of the They Might Be Giants page.

Server-side as well as application-side coding of the new version of Omnipresence has completed. There will soon be a "Oasisband Services" page (to possibly replace the crappy software page) which will include the awesome downloadable version of Omnipresence as well as a web based version (at forshizzles request). PS: Oasisband Writers can download an advance version right now here.

The Album Reviews Page is nearly ready to go mainstream. It's in the sidebar now as well as the new and improved in vogue screen. Some links still don't work and the page alignments is still a little off, but expect to see it working in full by the end of the week. Also, many of you have been whining at me to get the search up. It's just about ready as well so be patient.

The image server is soon to be implimented sitewide. You can see an example image here. This will allow all the writers to easily include images inline in their posts.

Also, you may have noticed some kind of bot was spamming the crap out of the shoutbox. That should be fixed now, but the cost is you can no longer use @'s in the name of the shoutbox, I guess not really that big of a deal.

30,000 Hits

Well Oasisband has been though a lot in its 5 years, since its inception on March 30th, 2001. We've seen ups and downs, and until several weeks ago we were not even a real domain. We were a pseudo domain running in a frame. Instead of having some kind of cheesy spectacular, I'll just tell you what to look forward to. A complete site overhaul is on the way for the sites 5th birthday. We are transitioning from HTML 4.0 to a strict XHTML/CSS system and have plans to begin offering a number of services, including but not limited to Omnipresence, a simple notepad that will allow you to keep notes between multiple computers. Moving the site into our own database allows us a few justices, for example the new Oasisband wide search (Click Here) is in the works. Also, we are working on moving to just rather than as many of you may have already noticed. Oasisband is still growing and I have dreams of bringing back the community. If anyone has any ideas, or would like to write for the site just contact me at


Spider man
What up
Jesse G Donat
It was a bunch of teenage kids website back in 2001-2004 that's hung around for no good reason other than to hang around.
What is this place?
Jesse G. Donat turned 21 today.
Hi world, 27.01.2021
me im tunisian
Ali Khamsi
hi evry body
Papa J
I christen this the good Ship
who is tunisian here
Hii anybody here is script kiddy??
What is up with people asking for a netflix account? lol
Netflix account??
Hi Netflix account please
Netflix accound por favor
hi there any body send me netfkix account
What up?
hello world April 17th 2018
Jesse G Donat
Shouting for the first time in a long long time.
hi yall
Once again I'm here just to mess with your hit stats. Internet Explorer 5.1 on Mac OS 9.2.2
Jesse Donat
Oasisband is still weeping for America.
Captain Pancakes
Your boxes don't clear on cursor.
Jesse Donat
Made an update to the shoutbox that should prevent the constant spamming for the time being. New OB on the way!
Visiting you from Beyond the grave! Firefox on Haiku Alpha R2
Oasisband Is alive!!!!
Alright, I now have a ton more free time, so expect to see the long awaited OB4 in the next few months
Jesse Donat
So much on this site is sooo bad.
Jesse Donat
I have some free time this week, anyone want me to invest it in a much need rework of OBand?
I are teh shouting!
Carl Marx
Shout! It's 2010! Your last newswas in '09..
Someone remind me to write something here over break.
Luke I am your father!
Andrew Gross
New Rant in the Rants section.
Papa J
That was a seriously deep post about Geocities
Papa J
Vikings Win! I'm alive!
make this more intresting peoples! I mean COME ON!
Not really. . .
Jesse Donat
Anyone but me come here anymore?
Jesse whats up? what are you doing nothing is going on here!
Pants Party
and you're all invited
Shout SHOUT SHOUT!!!!!! Where is the fun?
Cheese is orange, sometimes..
RAWR!!!!!! Hurry up dude!
elisabeth Constantine
Jesse G. Donat
Rest In Peace dear Michael, king among men.
ShoutNot pumaman
llama pants
Woah!I love the new layout Jesse. Especially the tear.
Jon H
Jesse, the scarlet node has test code for the best mode...
Cactus Plants>
Jesse G. Donat
Daniel is wrong.
jQuery is the best. Death to mooTools!!!
a little test shout for you
Mike jackson
Jesse Donat
Well, the "others" have just been merged into the new reviews section, I did an overall cleanup of the cateogization. Everythings still here though
Jesse, make the others and the services links work!
Jesse Donat
Well, I've been all moved in back in Hopkins for two weeks now. is still as dead as ever.
Jesse Donat
Yeesh, some kind of bot is making it past the captcha.
Jesse Donat
For crying out loud America, a free economy will have ups and downs. That's no reason to throw the whole concept out the window.
Jesse Donat
Update... it did not work! Haha. Rolled it on back
Jesse Donat
Pushed up some unverified changes to the shoutbox I'd never put up, here's hoping their ok
Mike Jackson
Jesse Donat
Man... so bored... I rewrote the image system and it broke the comics, awesome
I'm always right. But congratulations anyway now you just need a car.
Jesse Donat
Jeff was right, I passed it this time
I still live!!!
Jesse Donat
On an iPhone
Yeah you'll get it next time.
Jesse Donat
And... I failed it. Woo!
Jesse Donat
Drivers test... tomorrow
Jesse Donat
These are the days my friend.
MIKE Jackson
I live!!!
Yeah I kinda like it up here though the red bar up top may have to go. Once you get your license I'll get comics up.
Jesse Donat
Do we like the shoutbox up here? I'm trying to have it more noticed.
Jesse Donat
We Demand Comics, Damn it
Jesse Donat
Well, its been a long hard weekend working on the site. The obloglog is nearly finished. Still some bizarre foreign character issues I'd like to get worked out if I could at all, but I'm not sure whats needed.
Jesse Donat
As sad as this sounds, the only thing worse than total boredom, is total boredom in pain. Alas
Still in Fargo. . . Crap!
Jesse Donat
Back from Japan, woo!
MIKe Jackson
Jesse Donat
I'm begining to realize how dead oband might just be. If anyone wants to post something, just let me know. Sorry for the slow dev of the admin
Jesse G. Donat
I've got some thoughts on an attribute querying system, as well as a simple tagging system, and I'm writing this here so I remember when I get home...
Trying this badboy out on Wii
Woot! I'll have to do some comics over dead week.
Jesse donat
Every version of IE hates this. Last I checked it was OK in 7, this is no longer the case. I'll have to fix this despite how much I hate having to
Jesse Donat
Oband 3.0 is live. Note to self, fix flaw in captcha...
Korean Bablefish
2 weeks to peel it is dangerous and is dangerous and possible it is an hour of the what kind of type which.
Jesse Donat
Delays are getting obnoxious. Should be soon, its ready enough, waiting on our gracious host now
Jesse Donat
After Some Delay, Oasisband 3.0 should be this weekend
I like the layout of Oasisband 3
The internet!
Papa J
Saucy Mctacular!
Red Rider
You the bees knees, dawg!
Jesse Donat
Launch pushed off until mid to end January
Jesse Donat
New movie review, it'll be muchly cleaned up when the new site launches ~1st of the year
Papa Johnson
Shindig part deux in less than a month!
Ben Abrams
I am still alive
Jeff Donat
It is short, 2 numeric digits.
Well It better be short. Capcha? they should call it Crapcha.
Jesse Donat
Sick and tired of these freaking spam bots. The new site is nearing completion and there will be a captcha on this when that comes. Until then I've blocked all links from the shoutbox :h4x0r:
Where I can find good quality films? <br /> Can anyone help me?
Hi spammer!
Jesse Donat
Its taking a little longer than I had expected for the new site
Site is looking awsome jesse, your skills have improved greatly =)
Jesse Donat
Yep, theres been some spam in here... shouldn't happen on the *new* shoutbox comming soon! with the new site
Jesse Donat
Fret not, new site is coming along. I'm aiming for end of the month if not earlier.
New Site Nazi
New Site Now!
Jeff Forshee
Comics soon. Half waiting on the new site half being lazy.
Jesse Donat
I had thought about doing the admin in Flex, but after seeing what kind of source code that things RTE makes, yeah, no way.
Jeff Forshee
Nah. I was joking I would post but it seems that no one ever reads or responds to anything I post. :tumble:
Jesse Donat
seriously? Well if you let me know of a post I can enter it manually into the new system as well.
Man, and I was saving all my wicked awesome posts for this week.
Jesse Donat
This probably isn't all that important, but I'm calling for a moratorium on posting for the next week while I put some serious elbow grease into the new site.
i know jesse donat cause his sis is my best friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesse Donat
I really need to capcha this damn thing
Jesse Donat
Well, I'm 21, now what.
We need to get some people here. . . :tumble:
Jesse Donat
I'm workin' on oband, seriously, just at a very slothful rate
saucy power of maximum
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Yeah we need the new media page up. :tumble: and the tumble weed emoticon :carp:
Jesse Donat
Having a Wii and 360 really affect my productivity.
Hey jesse you going to be in hopkins this weekend? I think I'm going to come down since I don't have any finals until the end of the week.
Jesse Donate
Wrong page Chris.
Jesse Donate
Jesse Donat
New Version in the mix starts this weekend! woo.
We need to get something cool out for the 55555 hits spectacular.
50,000 Hits
Woo! Took us a while to reach this mile stone
Jesse Donat
Step one... wolfbane this form. Step two, rewrite it
Jesse Donat
Server is fixed, just in Watertown, I could redirect the dyndns but I'm not sure how the DSL would take it.
Jesse Donat
That was the plan
Jesse can you be in hopkins Friday? There is sindigery of mini proportions a brewin'. :carp:
Jesse Donat
Rest in peace, server, wherever your Win2k soul might be.
danzorz to the maxorz
jesse, i don't actually know my username or password. you should email them to me.
Jesse Donat
I made one up in photoshop specially for you, and then ends up I don't have image ready... oh no's
Hey Jesse we need a tumble weed emoticon. :tumble:
Jesse Donat
New 'Entertainment/Media/Find a better name' Sections been in the workings for a while now, it'll come with that
And how about the ability to read album reviews? Or write them? :che:
Jesse Donat
Obloglog updates coming soon! I promise.
Jesse Donat
I am alive as well, and have been meaning to do a number of updates to the site, just have not gotten around to it yet.
I'm alive!!! and i swear i will post soon
Damn spammers! I mean there isn't even a place to give him money on that damn page.
Jesse Donat
I'm in Windows Vista, typing with my voice. It is working quite well, I also notice there's spam in shout box.
Who's bright ass idea was it to wrap my ram in foam so it would cook itself? Jesse this time you have taken your love of foam too far!!! :skull:
The new box is bitching. It should be standard across the site. Kuddos!
Jesse Donat
I've faked it... Wonder if something is haxored again
Jesse Donat
Shit man, I've no idea... It was at like 45k earlier today and I thought it seemed low actually
Whats up with the counter reset? I mean I know we have had more then 9 hits.
Jesse Donat
I'm seriously considering combining movies and album reviews into just a sort of general 'media review' section
Get your license! And get the album review page up! I'm excellent at bitching!
Jesse Donat
I go back and forth. I was there this weekend, I was there Wednesday(?) I think it was. If and when I get my license though I'll be there much more.
Jesse, do you still live in hopkins?
Jesse Donat
In all of 2006 there were only 17 posts added to the quotes page not counting the spam attack. Heres hoping we do better in 2007! :carp:
Jesse Donat
other than the comic post page, it pretty much is up and running
Any word on when we'll be up and running?
Jesse Donat
I changed one thing, here's hoping we don't get hacked till I fix it. Secondly heres hoping the shoutbox works.
Jesse Donat
Marc, who are you? How did you find this. Thanks immensely for alerting me... It would appear to be apache was hacked.
There's a fishing scam on your website. <a href="">[link]</a>
Jesse Donat
Slow month... somebody write something already
Jesse Donat
Lady Oasis needs some updating, but I'm strapped for time at the moment, and have no idea what she needs
Jesse Donat come on down!!! Your the next contestant on 'fix my HTML' you could win such fabulous prizes as a working link to my ebay page!!!!!
Kudos Jesse on the job, and i have posted again??? holy crap
Jesse Donat
First day of work went well, w00t
Jesse Donat
I am working on redesigning oband and it has come to my attn. that if I make the site too clean it looses its oband-ness... Any ideas?
I have posted, rejoice!
So when are you moving the &quot;emoticon legend&quot; text so it dosen't look like its hidding from people?
Jesse Donat
alright, now that I'm on a pc I see the shout box has become a little silly, i'll fix it tomorrow
Jesse Donat
The shoutbox has been updated somewhat. Check it out, shout out what you think.
Jesse Donat
If you want to make those kind of remarks (I censored him) do it somewhere else. OBand isn't the place for that kind of tripe
I'm a Moron!
Stupid Remark!
Jesse Donat
Woo Pawlenty :sonic:
Jesse Donat
Reworking the underpinnings a bit for the '&Omega;' site version release coming up.
Jesse Donat
It *was* <a href="">here</a> but it seems to be down.
Does anyone know where the cheeseracing website is??? I NEED IT
Take that you bastard
Jesse Donat
Someone write Something
Well that depends if I'm going to colab with mike. So yell at him I've got a bunch of ideas. And some really bad puns.
Jesse Donat
Forshizzle, when can we expect some comics?
and Paul no lip from you untill you ask that girl out
because we're on a comp we don't own and can't install firefox
Jesse Donat
Man, the page looks horrid in IE... Why would anyone still use IE
Im serious Jeff, call the show, Forshizzle in the Hizzle
Jesse Donat
Maybe Later
Jesse get off your ass and post
I bowled 109 last night, hizah!
Jesse Donat
User page upgrade in the works... including integration for the crazy few who use it.
I posted... rejoice!


RSS 2.0 Feed
  • Insights
    Oasis Band

    We all know who the band Oasis is. And we all know the generation of this name for this website, as though everyone apart of this watering hole must be a fan of the band Oasis. But I wou…

  • Movie Reviews

    Kinamand (Meaning Chinaman in English) was a beautiful and interesting film. The main character, Keld, is a plumber who is more or less stuck in a rut. When his wife of many years leaves him for anot…

  • Movie Reviews
    Last Life in the Universe

    I’ve mentioned several times before watching a movie strictly for atmosphere. If any move I’ve ever seen has been worth watching for Atmosphere, its Last Life in the Universe. By Pen-Ek Ratanaruang…

  • Insights
    Peter Schiff on Obama Economics

    I don't like to use Oasisband just to post things, but this is worth a listen

  • Insights
    Fifth Letter to Jesse

    We are really not all that different, we are both people who really don't meet people. This is probably because of our own faults. These things need to be corrected in my opinion but we are both stubb…

  • Insights
    The Fifth Letter to Jeff Forshee

    Let me begin this by stating that I have in fact read every letter you have ever posted to Oasisband and have claimed otherwise because frankly, I've had no idea how to respond to them, with that in …

  • Movie Reviews
    Nana 2

    I hesitate to say I hated this movie, because I didn't. I want to hate it, I desperately want to hate it. I can't though, mostly because if anything it did get me thinking. This film was the polar…

  • Insights

    ** This is a letter I wrote to Brittany a few days ago and I am posting it here with her blessing. This is an old story told here with far too much poetry and far too little truth but I do hope someb…